Tuesday, December 02, 2003

What I'm Reading

Oh. my, god. I just read the funniest thing on Abbreviated Abstractions. You must go read "THE SAGA OF PLOOF'N'STUFF". It is bizarre, vivid and hilarious!

And in the news, I found this:
If the US government claims to know nothing of aliens, U.F.O.'s, or anything pertaining to them, then why did they make up the 'Extraterestrial Exposure Law'? It is found in Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations. It is the law that made it illegal for the public to come in contact with extra-terrestrials or their vehicles. The law states that Anyone found guilty of such contact could face up to one year imprisonment as well as a fine of $5000. Also, any individual who had been "exposed" could be quarantined under armed guard by the NASA administrator without a hearing.
The law was passed originally to protect Earth from possible biological contamination resulting from the US Apollo Space Program.

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