Friday, December 05, 2003

It must be one of those nights

First, I was reading The Redhead Wore Crimson. She blogged several days ago about AIDS day. She included a cute little poem. "Don't be daft, Don't be silly. Put a condom on your willie." Which reminded me of something I'll tell you about in a bit.
Next I read another blog, with a link to something titled "Puppetry of the Penis"
Of course, I had to see what the scary heck that was. Being penis related, it reminded me of something I'll tell you about in a bit.
Now I'm scared to read any of my blog links. I'm worried the Universe is trying to tell me something. (tee hee)
Now, to the thing I was going to tell you about...
The garbage truck comes on Tuesdays and Fridays. It rumbles down the alley picking up dumpsters and emptying them by turning them upside down over the opening in the top of the truck. I firmly believe it summons up a stiff breeze whenever it has ahold of a dumpster. Maybe the city invested in wind generators for their garbage trucks. It seems like the kind of thing they'd waste our money on.
Whatever the air-moving method, every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, I get to pick up trash from the yard and parking spaces. I really hate touching the old fast-food bags, plastic soda bottles and used paper towels that have blown into my yard. It's generally innocuous enough stuff, but last week I found a condom.
At first it was just a little condom doughnut, all neatly rolled up, but out of it's package. I spotted it while getting into the truck. We were short on time, so I decided to throw it back in the dumpster when I got home. However, when I came back, I parked on top if it and forgot all about it. A few days later, one of the children in the neighborhood unrolled it.
Right, if my son had touched a condom he had found in the alley, I would have grounded him for a week. And scoured his hands with lye soap.
So then I had to look at an unrolled condom lying on the ground like some sort of ribbed snake skin. It was disturbing. Yesterday, I muttered about having to pick the nasty thing up sooner or later; and my genius son says,"Use a stick."
Now why didn't I think of that?

The condom and the stick I picked it up with are both in the dumpster now. I hope the mystical wind generating trash truck doesn't blow it into my yard again.

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