Saturday, December 13, 2003

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I have moments (or days or weeks) of self doubt. I suppose it's human. I suppose it's normal, and usually I laugh about it later. My most recent doubt is about the book I'm writing. I have so many questions in my head about it. Will I actually finish it, or will I toss it aside like so many other projects? How much will I have to dump during the editing process? I already have enough material for 4 books. Is my writing too wordy for this modern, instant-gratification based world? Will potential publishers put my stories -my life- in the recycle bin as too tedious?

And then I find, quite by accident, sites like Guardian Unlimited Books. I had typed my URL into Google, and clicked on "sites similar to this". It's usually pretty amusing. I have no idea what criteria Google uses, but it's normal to find sites completely unlike my own.
Anyway, there on the list was Guardian Unlimited Books. I thought, "Hey. This could be a good chance to see what is being published that's like my memoirs." It was worth a shot, at least. So I clicked the link and found myself on an excerpts page.
The first paragraph had me staring slack jawed at the computer screen. The book is titled: "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" by Dave Eggers
Long title, but "Memoirs from a South Side Neighborhood" (my working title) is pretty long too. The first paragraph reads: "Through the small tall bathroom window the December yard is gray and scratchy, the trees calligraphic. Exhaust from the dryer billows clumsily out from the house and up, breaking apart while tumbling into the white sky. "

I find the imagery difficult.

I realize Guardian is in the UK, and perhaps the British prefer difficult imagery in books. Perhaps not... look at any of the Harry Potter books. They are also filled with lengthy verbal imagery, but in J.K. Rowlings' work things flow.
I'm not writing to put down the author of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. He's published, I'm not. I'm just commenting on how I don't have to be J.K. Rowling to get a book contract. Yay!

So anyway, if you'd like to read some stories about growing up in a rough urban neighborhood, hop on over to My rough draft blog then drop me a line. I really enjoy the feedback, even if the feedback is "you suck". :)

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