Saturday, December 20, 2003

Santa - Myth, Legend, Deity

The other day, a child asked me, "...Do you believe in Santa?"
What a question! I have a reputation for blunt honesty. I will tell you if your butt looks big in an outfit you're trying on. I'll answer almost any question asked of me. I don't lie. My friends know that asking me something is akin to stepping into a tornado. It may pick you up and set you down unharmed, it may leave you injured, it may drop a house on you. Apparently, even children understand that I have an obnoxious trait for honesty.

So, my friend's 9 year old asked the Santa question; and as usual, my mouth moved before my censor kicked in. "Yes. I absolutely believe in Santa." I said.
I looked at her mom, realizing that I had no idea what her Santa-policy-for-nine-year-olds was. I may have just stuck my foot in my mouth BIG time. Mom-friend was looking at me with huge eyes and a slack face. I wasn't the only one who had been blindsided. Heh. Then what I'd said sunk in, and Mom-friend smiled and gave me the slightest of nods. And the truth shall set you free!
I turned to the child again and asked, "Why?"
She began telling me all about her friends not believing, or at least saying they didn't believe, and how she knew Santa was real, and all the reasons why her mom wouldn't be able to pull off the stuff Santa can do. Her words were so eloquent, so well thought out, that I knew she must have been carrying the weight of the Santa question for months. She poured out her stress while we marveled at her. Both her Mom and I felt extreme empathy for her. During her releasing, I could feel right where she was at. I had forgotten how mature you think you are when you're 9.

Thank you, Persephone my friend, for having such wonderful children.

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