Friday, December 26, 2003

Post Christmas Clean up

Christmas day was spent with friends, and it was wonderful. The Madman and Persephone put out a spread to die for. Turkey and pork loin, stuffing, home made mashed potatoes, spaghetti squash with sauteed portobello mushrooms, fresh baked bread, green beans(bleah), real cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, chocolate cream pie, tarts, spiced wine with little almond slivers, and more. I don't know how they did it. They didn't look like they'd been up all night baking. I barely had time to make gingerbread. I bow down to their superior cooking and time management!

This morning, Hubby-man picked up all the wrapping paper that had been strewn about the floor. Poor Friday, no more wrapping paper to play in. For a wonder, the rest of the house is pretty clean. It's usually trashed the day after Christmas.

I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did this year. :)

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