Tuesday, December 30, 2003

The Ephedra Ban

The Bush administration announced Tuesday it is banning the sale of ephedra early next year, and urged consumers to immediately stop using the herbal weight control supplement that has been linked to numerous deaths and other harmful health effects.
(According to an AP report.)

I didn't realize the White House had the authority to ban things. Don't get me wrong, I think some people are stupid or desperate enough to take massive doses of ephedra to help them lose weight. I think that as long as companies offer it, fools will buy it, convincing themselves that it is safe. I think it sucks for a few holistic health practitioners who use ephedra containing herbs. I think it sucks that a law has to be passed to protect people from endangering themselves. And I want to rant about the use of the phrase, "The Bush Administration...banning the sale of ephedra."

The President does not write the laws. The President approves or vetoes the laws Congress writes and approves. The Supreme Court decides whether the laws are valid or not. Therefore the President cannot ban the sale of ephedra... Or is Congress part of the Bush Administration?

In another foolish case of overzealousness, a Nebraska woman was ticketed for being nude. The overzealousness reared it's ugly head when the owner of the bar called the police to complain about the nude pictures. The police department plans to send a letter to the state Liquor Control Commission to see if the bar violated any state laws.


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