Monday, December 29, 2003

Charity Options

Itemizing your taxes? Looking for some last-minute charities to donate to? May I suggest this non-political, non-sectarian charity:

Direct Relief International spends less than 3% of their funds on administration and fundraising.

How about a charity that transports children from their small town to a major children's hospital, so they can recieve superior medical care for their open heart surgery/ transplant/ cancer treatment? Help me out, Chasmyn. I thought it was Flight For Life, but it's not.

Consider a good local charity that meets the needs of your neighbors.
How about the YMCA? You wouldn't believe the services they provide. They rate an A+ from the American Institute of Philanthropy, not easy to do.

Hm. I was going to say -Think of a worthy cause...any worthy cause, like the preservation of the domestic cat gene pool. After all, in spaying or neutering your cat, you are removing those genes from the gene pool. In 50 years all we will have are overbred, sickly but pretty! "purebred" cats. Meh.
But I couldn't find a single charity dedicated to maintaining a healthy feline gene pool.
Oh Well. If I win the lottery, I'll start one myself! :)

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