Monday, November 17, 2003

Stuff I didn't know about Scientology

I've been reading more on FACTnet, and I'm pretty impressed. They're not full of hype, they aren't trying to sell any books, they seem straightforward with their info. Yep, impressive. Right now, all I know about scientology is that they advertise, they sell books, and lots of Hollywood stars are scientologists. Lets see what I know after I read for a few hours.
I found a breakdown of the personality test they offer. It's rigged. Several teams of psychologists went to different locations, took the test with a pre-defined set of answers, then analyzed the 'results' of their tests. They found the test to be highly inaccurate. There were also lots of choice comments about the recruiting tactics used.

Another test scientologist use is the "E meter". FACTnet has a techincal breakdown of the machine, which sums up to the machine doing exactly what it's supposed to do, which has nothing whatsoever to do with what they say it's doing. (note the vagueness there... I still haven't figured out what Scientologists use the machine for. I think it's meant as a sort of biofeedback or something)
I also found this very amusing website about the Fishman Affidavit, explaining why it's famous, and the song and dance certain people have gone through to keep it from being read. (tee hee)
It also shows the affidavit itself.
...except I'm having a damned hard time getting the pages I want to load. I get 404 errors, or other "page unavailable" errors. Hmmm.

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