Sunday, November 30, 2003

Putting it out there to the Universe

My little family of 3 is looking for a specialty kitten. Somewhere in or near St. Louis, there is a pregnant cat in a happy home. She is not feral, and has both people and other cats to keep her company. Her family is willing to have prospective kitten owners visit a few times while the kittens are growing. Her family will also understand that we want to wait a few months before having the kitten spayed or neutered.

Does that sound like a big request?

Here's the background. Yellow Kitty (deceased) became lonely when we moved from my mom's house into our own house. He had gotten used to having Lady to groom and play with. So we rescued Friday from the APA. How could we not, really? She was beautiful and playful and needed a home, or they would put her to sleep. It being just after Halloween, nobody wanted a black cat. Friday and Yellow Kitty got along great, but there were some problems. Friday was a feral kitten, and has trouble bonding with people. She just didn't get enough contact as a kitten. Also, she was spayed at 8 weeks. I think that was too early. I believe a cat can be spayed at 3 months, but no sooner. My Gods, let them grow a bit!
Anyway, it's been a few months since Friday became an only cat, and she needs a friend. We don't want another feral cat. We want one that likes people. When we had other cats in the house, Friday would snuggle with us more often. It was almost as if she saw how the other cats behaved, and thought maybe she should cuddle too.

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