Saturday, November 22, 2003

a Bit of Writers Block

I'm in the middle of writing the tale of how my sister's hand got caught in an escalator, and I keep getting distracted. I wrote out the first block last night, and it flowed beautifully out of my fingertips. It was getting late, so I stopped after writing about the nurse pouring iodine on my sister's hand. It seemed like a good place to take a break. I had a nice little cliff hanger in my drafts page. "They took my sister to the nurses office and poured iodine on her hand. I sat on a chair in the dimly lit hallway, listening to her scream."
Isn't that picturesque? Now, this morning, I was committed to finishing the tale. I played with L, had breakfast, watched some cartoons, then (finally) opened up Blogger and got to work on the happier part of the story. The part where I get a gimpse of the legal system, as we sued the store; and the part where my sister goes on to be a Physicians Assistant -with full use of her hand.
The problem is, my memory is a bit blurry about the hours after the incident. I remember the dry details, but not any of how I was feeling. I can't remember little things, like what the nurse said to my mom about the accident. Things don't start getting really clear until the moment we saw the cab pull up to take us to the hospital. The rest is just bits and snatches.
It's frustrating.
I feel like I'm cheating my readers because I can't remember every emotinal detail. I know I could make stuff up that would go well with the story. I know they would never know... but it seems so dishonest.
So here's my quandry. Do I write a good story, or do I tell it like I remember?
I'm going to have to go with the tell-it-like-I-remember side. Perhaps my readers will be interested just because it's the only place where my memory is that spotty.

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