Monday, November 17, 2003

More on the Forum

That post was running long. The only drawbacks I found in doing Landmark stuff were these:
1. When I stopped going to seminars, I got a lot of phone calls letting me know which seminars were coming up next. My answer is always the same. "You know what? That isn't what I'm looking for right now, but please do call me back in 3 months and let me know what's next, ok? I may want to take a different seminar." I mean it too. Most of the seminars they offer don't appeal to me. I don't want to look at my weight and connect it to fitness or health. I don't think it's a good idea for someone with a touch of body dismorphic disorder to delve too deeply into the "fat" issue. I don't want to look at most of the courses they're offering right now. They say that if you think about doing a seminar, and get really uncomfortable with the idea, then that's the one you should take. I looked at how I am about commitment, and it made my skin crawl, while filling me with dispair, so I took the Commitment Seminar. I'm glad I did. I still have commitment issues, but I don't get in dispair about it anymore. I tackle it instead.
2. Here's the reason I don't do Landmark stuff anymore... I lost my magic for a while. Landmark gives you words for all the different ways you "be", and it rocks. But it's hard to look at magic and find yourself wondering if it's just an act. I found myself wondering if 'magic' was just a thing I pretended I was, in order to think I was better than other people. I ruthlessly shut down all the bits of myself that I had come to identify as magical, and I became very, very unhappy. There was no joy in Mudville, so to speak. Landmark did not ask me to do this. I did it to myself. But for me, Landmark was not a support for my magic, and magic is what I am. When I take that away, I can use their "technology" all I want, and I'm not fulfilled. Fullfullment comes with greeting the morning sun, feeling the breeze, listening as the world speaks with myriad voices, -whispering- I am!

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