Thursday, November 06, 2003

Just My Opinion

I have assiduously avoided blogging about Jessica Lynch, for the same reason I refuse to blog about Elizabeth Smart. I believe the best thing for either of them is to cope in their own ways, without me avidly reading all the gossipy bits of their lives. I'm not going to gossip now, either. Instead, I'm going to get on my soapbox for my favorite pet-peeve... Stupid People!

According to popular news, back in April, Jessica Lynch joined the army for the GI Bill. She wanted to go to college, her family couldn't afford it, and (my guess is) like most underpriveleged familes -they didn't think they were worthy of student loans. It was kind of a family tradition. Join the army, then go to college.
Reporters are pissing and moaning because she got a one million dollar book deal. "Oh, boo hoo! The girl who didn't do anything but survive gets money! It's so unfair! She doesn't deserve it!" They say.

I say, think of Dr. Evil, asking for ONE MILLION dollars. That will buy a very nice house. Or maybe it will be just enough to cover her medical deductibles. She's not going to be remembered a few years from now, she's permanently disabled, why not grab some money while she can? She was 19 years old. She has an average of 50 more years to live with her body. That breaks down to a measly 20 grand a year. I have arthritis in both my knees, and I broke my toe a few years ago. It hurts like hell some days. Jessica Lynch had her legs crushed! I can't even imagine the pain. Honey, take every penny the media throws at you!
Editorials across America bitch about her being "rich". Whatever.

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