Thursday, November 06, 2003

I've corrupted my son with my Pagan ways

Tee Hee.
L's religion homework tonight was a word find, then he had to write 3 sentences using as many of the words as possible. The words were:
inn . Zechariah . glory to God . Emmanuel . Mary . Joseph . Simeon . Herod . Gabriel . magi . Anna . star . Bethlehem . Jesus . three days . gold . Elizabeth . David . Holy Spirit . Egypt . John . manger

After finding the words, he wanted some help with his sentences. Evil me says, "ok, Mary and Joseph walk into an inn..." as if setting up for a joke. L starts laughing, and I say," No, wait! Emmanuel did so well on his test, the Holy Spirit gave him a gold star!" More giggling ensues.

I got a phone call, and L wrote his sentences without my help. Here's what he wrote:

1. After three days searching in Bethlehem, Mary told Jesus to give David a gold star in "Egypt Inn".
(david's star- star of david. Egypt inn- egyptian. He's so punny)
2. Herod wanted David's gold star, so he tricked David to give it to his servant at the "glory to God and the Holy Spirit Inn".
3. Herod's servant instead brought the gold star to the "Manger Inn", where he gave it to Gabriel, Elizabeth, John, Zechariah, Joseph, the magi, Simeon, Anna, and Emmanuel.

Yes, he used all the words. I wonder if he'll get bonus points?

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