Tuesday, November 18, 2003

the stealthily added title:
And 3 paragraphs in, you'll find out what the hell I'm talking about
I'm at a site named "Surviving to Thriving" and clicked in the link to survivor stories. I think maybe the story I wrote in RandomRedhead would be a useful addition to the site, but I wanted to check the other stories first, to make sure mine wasn't too vivid. The survivor stories page has links to 51 pages of stories. It horrifies me just how many women there are out there... and those are the ones who are able to write about it.
Some of the stories there just seem unreal. Some of them seem way too real. Interestingly enough, the too real ones don't make me uncomfortable. The horrible vividness is comforting. It's almost pleasant to know that I'm not the only one who remembers it like it was happening right now. (but with that wonderful distance of time, knowing that I'm 34 and sitting in my nice safe home, with 18 years of history between me and my rape)
It's also comforting to know that when I froze during my rape, I wasn't being a doofus. Apparently it's a normal response.
and Wow! The site has a copy of confessions of a date rapist! I didn't read the article when it came out, but now that I have read it, I'm going to make sure my son reads it when he starts dating.

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