Thursday, October 02, 2003

Written about a long-gone blogger:
...Yet he takes truths (horrible enough on their own) and blows them all out of proportion. He tells his growing circle of readers how nasty the common American is. He ignores the efforts of all the grass roots movements that are doing their damnedest to stop this war and get Bush out of office. He actively sends links to bloggers in other countries, hoping they'll spread his nauseating garbage. Note how he doesn't tell Americans that his site exists.

I'll admit, when we first went after Iraq, I thought it was an OK thing. I grieved over the death, destruction and life altering events that were about to take place, yet I believed the purpose behind it was noble. I never thought we were in "imminent danger", I never saw a connection between Iraq and Al-Qaida. My best friend was vehemently opposed to the war, and I said, "Yes, but the atrocities have to stop!" I believed it was worth American lives and American dollars to save so many families in a country I'll never see. Chasmyn told me it was all about corporate profit, and I couldn't understand. How can a corporation make money off of a war, I wondered. It made no sense to me. It still makes no sense to me, but she was right. 100% correct on all counts. The next time she tells me something I can't understand, I'll believe her.

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