Thursday, October 09, 2003

Things I wonder about in the middle of the night

Earlier today I found a link to pics of spider webs that were spun while the arachnid was under the influence of certain drugs. This led me to google search for different "spiders on drugs" pics. This in turn, led me to a site discussing the benefits of LSD. My ever-wandering mind then thinks questions like these...

I once read that shamans use drugs to achieve their trance states. I, personally, do not use drugs to achieve a trance state. Yet, people all over the net yack about their enlightenment, trancendance, (escape), what-have-you, while under the influence of drugs. It makes me wonder what I'm missing, if anything. I've read about LSD causing temporary hallucinations not unlike those experienced by a schizophrenic. I've read the theory that "crazy" people aren't crazy, they're "enlightened". I've read blogs stating you, too can be just as enlightened; albiet temporarily, by doing drugs. The whole concept puzzles me. But then, I was a lame-o in the 80's. I smoked a little pot, did speed once (never again. speed bad.) and that was it. Allright, I drank like a fish, too. Marijuana made me sleepy and dumb. Speed made me angry. Alcohol made me drunk. Nothing external made me trance. As a matter of fact, external things connected me more completely with my body than ever. I had toxins to deal with. Nothing like a little poison to ground ya! ...ha.

An excerpt from the page that started this ramble:
" Mescaline [for example] thus allows us to see a far truer image than the ordered stereotype that our association-fibres normally permit us to apprehend. It lets us see the true shadow-colors--the blue shadow in the snow, the green beneath the red object, and so on, that we normally discountenance; for we can cope with the flux of our complex external world only if objects remain what we expect them to be, if snow is always white and houses are always vertical, irrespective of the tilt of the eye and the slope of the retinal image."

Reading stuff like this causes me to (momentarily) realize my uniqueness. I see blue shadow in the snow whenever it snows. Except in direct bright sunlight, I see the delightful translucency of snow. I see 9 colors when I look at a rainbow, sometimes more. There's non color #1, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, blinding pale purple, and (sometimes) non-color #2. I call them non-colors because I don't have a name for them. They only occur in rainbows and gemstones, as far as I can tell.

So, am I crazy? Is it all in my sad little imagination? Do I need so badly to be "special" that I make stuff up? Am I a walking acid trip? Are my delusions so convincing that I convince others? Or am I genuinely a Shaman? I haven't found tangible, laboratory-conditions proof for the existence of most of it. Yes, some people see more colors in a rainbow. Yes, I've done improbable things in front of witnesses. But most of it is personal. Shared only with a few close friends. I've never moved the refrigerator with just my mind. I can't tell which card you're holding up, and I can't fix you.

These thoughts take me in a circuitous route, ending where I began. I pity the "average" people, then I wonder if I'm the abnormal one; round and round it goes. I can only see life from my own perspective. Thus, my life is "normal".

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