Thursday, October 16, 2003

I have a very active imagination

I imagine people are smart. I imagine people are understanding. I imagine people use a little forethought. It keeps me entertained, and gives me a more positive outlook on life.

What started this rant, you wonder? Why this great (scary) page, of course.

People, please, please, please think before you name your child. Swiped from the above mentioned site:

"Let's play Spot the Issue. See if you can guess what my problems are going to be with the following essay (in its abridged form.)

(a) (My daughter) Wellsley is named for Wellesley College in Mass.. ..

(b) I wanted to spell it with the middle "e" but we had close relatives "test-spell" it and they repeatedly left out the "e". (c) Understand that we live in [the antithesis of New England] where very few people have ever heard of the college.

(d) So, much to my personal disappointment, we decided to spell it Wellsley. (e) I must say, I love my daughter's name, (f) but I broke one of my golden rules by using a variant spelling and I've regretted it ever since. ...

(g) One of my biggies, (h)and this is just a personal opinion, (g cont.) is that variant spellings tend to look uneducated, (i)and I have been concerned that my daughter will (j) eventually broaden her horizons beyond [where we live] and she will (k) appear to have a mother who didn't know how to spell "Wellesley."

... But here's the thing - - Wellsley starts kindergarten next fall. (l)If ever the time is right to make the change, it's now. ... So, given all of that data, what would you do???" "

You want to name your kid after a College, fine. That's your business. But Wellesley??? Poor thing's starting kindergarden soon... I can see it now... "How ya doin' Wellsley. Are you feeling sick today, Wellsley?" I hope their child doesn't catch many colds.

Other bad idea names I found on the website include Vienna (as in sausages???), Jasper Rain (jasper is a rock that comes in lovely opaque colors. Why not just name him Meteor Shower and get it over with) One more, then I'm done. Remember learning to print your name? Remember how exciting and fun it was? Remember how it got really old, really fast? I personally spent years wishing for a shorter, easier to write surname. and Remember learning the rules for words? i before e, double vowel usage, etc.? Right. Now take a peek at this:

"my hubby got on a kick of the names rhyming, believing we would have no more. lol, we are due in nov! so, i am in a tight place. my dd is kaesyn paige,(jason w/ a "k"), and my son is richard brycin (goes by mn).

if this bb is a girl, her name will be adecyn shai (addison shay)...

i need a name w/ the "sin" sound, not the spelling! lol! i am not fond of jaxon, but my dh likes aryxon (erikson) and i am fond of tycen. ...

New naming rule: If in typing the name out you have to follow it immediately with another version in parentheses, because otherwise no one would have the slightest clue this was supposed to be a name and not Klingon for "Wax my forehead, supple wench," this is a bad, bad, woah bad bad name. "

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