Sunday, October 05, 2003

Went to Archon tonight and had a rather good time. There were a few things that disturbed me, however. I saw someone barf at 11:00 at night. Most people who drink too much at a Con have the decency to barf after midnight. Driving home, we saw the same guy being transported to St. Louis in an ambulance. They didn't have their lights or siren going, but he was in bad shape. I also heard a gaggle of girls in the bathroom discussing how to fix their too-drunk friend. This is what I overheard:
Girl 1 "Anything we give her won't stay down."
Girl 2 "I think we should give her water anyway."
Girl 3 "What we should do is, when she wakes up tomorrow, give her lots of bread to soak up the alcohol in her stomach."
Girl 1 "Yeah, 'cause right now nothing stays down."

That having been decided, they brought the too-drunk girl out of the handicapped stall they'd been occupying. She was actually green. She looked ready to die. She also looked about 16. Her friends didn't have the foggiest idea how to care for her. They passed me as I was washing my hands, but didn't make it out the door. They had to turn around and guide her back to a stall. All the toilets were in use, and us grown-ups hastily vacated the sinks for her. I don't know if or where she vomited, because I got out the door as quickly as I could. A few minutes later, her friends brought her out of the bathroom and hustled her toward the hotel room they were staying in. I saw the poor girl being mostly carried by her pals, and started looking for security. Clearly, these teenagers could not care for their friend. They had no idea what dangers alcohol poisoning might hold. That 16 year old needed help, and I didn't care if they all lost their con badges and got kicked out. There's some mother out there who would thank the gods for her daughter's life the next day.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone working security. Apparently they were all busy handcuffing a guy who had thrown a ball of tape in a hallway. There were way too many people, way too drunk, way too early in the evening. I think this one might go down in the history books.

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