Monday, October 27, 2003

It is rare for me to laugh out loud at a blog

But this made me laugh out loud... for a long time.

"Saturday, September 27, 2003
Two women came into the store, one marching briskly ahead of the other. The Alpha was clearly on a mission.

"I'd like to see your bracelets," she said crisply.

"I don't sell bracelets," I replied.

"Fine," she responded, and turned on her heel to march back out. Before she did, though, she stopped dead and stared past me.

"Yes, you do carry bracelets," she said.

"No, really, I don't."

She clucked her tongue impatiently.

"Yes, you do. Don't you even know what you carry? My God!"

With that she strode up to the counter and slapped both hands firmly down on it for emphasis before gesturing to a spot on the wall behind me.

I slowly turned my head, confused. She was so certain, and so irritated with me for being so remarkably stupid that for a moment I expected to see a whole wall, metallic and shiny, dripping with jewelry. But no. The slappers and harnesses were right there, just like they always were. Unless -

"Do you mean this?" I asked.

Aggravated sigh. ""Yes!"

"Those are cockrings."

Pause, then: "Oh, my GODDDDDDD! Oh, GODDDDD, noooooo!"

and she ran out the door."

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