Monday, August 01, 2005

National Night Out
Tomorrow is national night out; the day you're supposed to go outside and meet your neighbors. My mom and her next door neighbor usually throw a block party. This year her neighborhood is throwing a party at Mt. Pleasant park. So Mom and her friend decided to skip the big party and have an ice cream float social instead. That way, all they need is ice cream, soda and cups.

Previous night-out's would see her street crowded with children, while small groups of adults stood on the sidewalk. She hopes this year will be a little different. She's giving tickets to her neighbors and any guests they bring, and everyone will exchange their ticket for a cup. They will then write their name on the cup, so everyone knows who they are. Like a name tag. Cool, huh?

There will be frisbees, jump ropes and chalk for the kiddies. If it's hot, she'll set up a sprinkler in the street.

I have again volunteered to decorate the street entrance in chalk and draw a few pictures here and there so the kids will know it's ok to draw on the street. Then I plan to get the heck outta there, before mom does anything crazy.
Last year she took on a teenager who wanted to race down the blocked off street full of children. (sigh) That woman is gonna give me a heart attack someday.

1 comment:

jayde said...

that sounds like fun~! quick ?.... is there a new lil boy living at your friends house yet? if so tell her congrats!