Sunday, August 07, 2005

Giving Credit
Not only did Persephone and her family come over to keep me off my foot, she cleaned my kitchen, cooked, and did my dishes! She provided me with coffee and held the door so I could hobble outside. She fetched my meds after I sat down as far as humanly possible from them. She sat in the uncomfortable seat, so I could put my foot up. And she left her partner to keep me company when she had to run out for a bit.
She understood when I tried to do things for myself, gave me leeway, and still prevented me from hurting myself.

Words cannot express how awesome she has been to me. As hectic as her life is right now, she still takes time to chat on the phone; because she knows that if I'm talking, I'm sitting. She gave the Hubby-Man a break from taking care of me. Not that he asked, mind you. She just intuitively knew that he needed a few hours for himself.

Thank you, Persephone. For everything.

And thank you, Chasmyn, for taking the time to talk with me. Calling out of the blue, right when I was freaking out about my foot. Your timing couldn't have been better.

1 comment:

Optima said...

Oh You are so sweet!!I really had a great time while we were there, I love spending time with you!
Friends do that for each other and you are always there when I need you!
I hate that you hurt but I love you. Call me anytime and I will be right there........always.