Friday, August 26, 2005


It's been 3 weeks and 2 days since I sliced open my foot. I'm sure you're sick of reading about it. I'm certainly sick of living with it. I've gotten some feeling back, but it's really hard to walk on the numb part of my foot. So I wind up "walking" on the outer edge instead; which causes my big toe to curl up. The pad of my big toe has no real feeling and my brain keeps making up sensations to fill the void. Phantom pain comes in great variety. (sigh)

Today, I realized that I can't keep walking like this. It's messing with my whole body. I need to see a physical therapist. And I don't want to.
Thus the title.


Optima said...
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Optima said...

The docs told me the best thing to do with my foot and leg is sensation therapy. Take a bath poof, a brush, a couple differt things and run them on your toe. Also rubber band exersizes. Put a rubber band on your toe and move your toe up and down as far as it will go.

Of course I don't have all my feeling back but that is how I wa able to start walking and get some feeling back.

I miss you talk to you tomorrow!!