Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Husband, My Saviour
My dearest, darling, love of my life, husband was awake last night after my last entry. He carried the laundry for me. He listened lovingly as I hemmed and hawed over asking him to get up extra early to drive L to school. I *so* didn't want to ask him. And I was so afraid that the pain would be unbearable halfway to school. He looked at the obvious swelling beneath my healed laceration. And this morning, he drove.
He is the most awesome person in the universe. I am so fortunate to be his wife.


jayde said...

what a hero!

Optima said...

yes, he is one of the GREATS! Can't argue with that! He loves you so much!

So how is that foot? Still on the crutches?

I will try to call tomorrow but I will be running most of the day.

Go look at my blog, it is something important about Marie. I will talk to you about it asap.