Thursday, September 22, 2005

Well, Nevermind
My idiot family members are staying put. There is a reason. I don't think it's a good enough reason.
My aunt has a boyfriend. His father died very recently. He's pretty depressed and doesn't want to leave the city. So she's staying too.

I think I'd be dragging him kicking and screaming if necessary.

She's stocked up on food and water. She put everything valuable up high, because she's expecting flooding. Pardon my sarcasm, but I hope she's got a good sized axe. She might need it to break a hole in the roof. (grrrrr)

And I have *no* idea why my cousin is still there.

I didn't say anything about evacuating (or not) in New Orleans, because I understand that some people have no way out and nowhere to go. But there is *no* excuse for not leaving Houston. The city provided buses and trains for those without cars. They offered shelter to those with nowhere to go.

MY FAMILY *HAS* SOMEWHERE TO GO! I have 40 family members living in the St. Louis area. We could have chipped in and forwarded money to evacuate, if they needed it. We have homes and food and loving support, damnit! Get the hell out of Dodge!

I'm sad and mad and baffled. Why?

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