Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sad, Really

I made my Hubby sad today. But here's the reality... I have a fair amount of 14k gold in the form of sheet, bezel, wire, ring sizing stock, and casting grain. I never paid more than $285 per troy ounce. Gold is selling for a lot more than that now. My oxy tanks are empty, we can't afford more oxy, so I can't make jewelry anyway. So I can sit and stress that we don't have cash, or I can convert my gold to liquid dollars.
I believe it's time for me to sell my gold. I can ship it back to the company I bought it from and incur only a minor fee, which would be more than covered by the increase in gold's current value. If I have an ounce of 14k stock, that's 300 dollars. That would get us out of the hole we're in long enough for my first paycheck to come through.

Yeah, it bites. But when I bought the gold, I did say, "If I don't use it, I can always sell it. Either way it has value."

*update* Haven't sold any gold yet (LOL), and here it is, 3 o'clock in the morning. I've been waiting up to hear if my son barfs again. Ah, the joys of parenting. But then again, how many parents will give their son the best mixing bowl to drag off to bed with them (not having a bucket), wait for it to be filled (bleah), and be willing to discuss the contents of said mixing bowl before washing it out?
We were both a bit worried when thick red stuff came up, but after swirling it around in the bowl a few times, we agreed it was the liquid tylenol, not anything scary.
The hubby started filling the other mixing bowl around 1 am or so.

It's just a house full of fun, it is.


achromic said...

What upsets me about your sacrifice is that it is sooo easy to see that you are well over your worth of your wieght in gold and you are having to make this sacrafice. I read your stuff and it is damn good and there is no reason in my head that you shouldn't be earning a living writting. Or being people's health advocate at hospitals. It feels wrong to me that people like Dan Bartlet (consler to the pres.) has no problem make lots of cash and you are strugling.

She Dances in Dragon said...

Achromic, you're so sweet!
I don't really see this as a sacrifice, but my hubby sure does. I wish that I could earn a living writing. It would be so much easier to write all day, rather than troll want ads looking for work that suits my abilities. I have no college diploma, I have arthritis, and I've been a stay-home mom for 13 years. There's not a whole lot of work out there for someone like that. (sigh) I found some promising leads in the Sunday paper, though.