Monday, January 03, 2005

On a brighter note

I was going to quit smoking again anyway. It's an addiction I can't afford.(In so many ways) And we probably have enough aluminium in the shed to buy L's lunch through payday. And if not, we have enough to buy bread, lunchmeat and apples. And I've been doing my PT regularly, which helps a lot with my pain management and mobility. And we have heat, and a home. And we're not living in Carbondale! (woot!) And L is old enough to understand that sometimes you just have to do without some things. And I have a lot of shea butter and gemstones to sell, if anyone would like to buy them.

(sigh) This is so not helping.

We do still have a lot of things we could sell off; and we're not facing bankruptcy or anything. I'm just bummed today, that's all.

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