Friday, January 07, 2005

An Experiment In Reality

Today is the last day of the week-long "baby" project for the 8th grade. The children adopted 5 lb bags of flour on Monday, and they've been carrying them around all week.
I'm calling it an experiment in reality because:
On Monday, 3 of the babies had birth defects and needed surgery to fix their leaks. On Tuesday, "DFS" (Division of Flour Services) removed a baby because it's parent left it sitting on a desk while (s)he went to another class. The bag of flour went into foster care. (The teacher confiscated it.) On Wednesday, said bag was adopted by another student; and more babies were taken away for neglect. On Thursday, students were given the option of paying fines to get their children back, and several of the babies died. It was very sad. One was dropped, by accident of course. It died in a floury explosion of whiteness. One fell off a desk and hit the floor; suffering a catastrophic tear... And one was kidnapped, then used as a projectile on another student. The parent of the kidnapped flour baby, and the student who was assaulted are both suing. In an amazing departure from our own legal system, court is next week.
Today the students will be graded on the care of their children, and the babies...
Let's just say they'll be cookies in their next incarnation, and leave it at that.

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