Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Should I be offended?

Nearly every day, as I drive home from L's school, I pass a vehicle with some spanish words displayed on the back window. The first time I saw the words, I was baffled. I have a meaning assigned to each word, but strung together they made no sense. At least as to why someone would put those words in big letters on the back of their vehicle.
La = feminine form of "the"
Gordita = a food you can get at taco bell
Sexy = well, sexy.

But why would someone want to write that in letters you can't help noticing?
So I googled the phrase.
And every link was a p0rn site.
Which I figured out by clicking "translate this page"
Oh dear.
That was just more than I ever needed to know.

1 comment:

She Dances in Dragon said...

Yeah, I've read that before. I found it on some website or another. *snort* Neanderthal indeed!
Thanks for the link, Chasmyn. :)