Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Realization.

I haven't blogged about the tsunami, I know. It isn't because my petty problems are bigger than their loss. It's because their losses, each and every one of them -be it a teddy bear, a home, or a whole family- each loss is so great that I have no words.

I've read so many accounts of tragedy, heroism and miraculous survival...
They've all touched me.

I have no money to give, and knit wear is too heavy for the warm climate of Southern Asia; so knitting something is out. But ya know what? I'm a pagan. And I have several beautiful sarongs.

Give World might take them.


Unknown said...

That is so sweet and generous of you.

She Dances in Dragon said...

Thank you, Chasmyn dear. :)
I really hope they can take them.