Friday, November 11, 2005

Things You Might Not Know About CBC High School
If you live in St. Louis, you're probably aware of CBC High School. You might think of it as "That school for West County boys", or something equally exclusionary. You also might think that (like the other Catholic schools in St. Louis) it's a singular, exclusive school. I know I did. I was wrong.

You might know that CBCHS is 155 years old, but did you know that the Brothers of the Christian Schools began making a difference in people's lives more than 320 years ago?

Did you know that their mission is, and always has been, to give a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor?

Did you know they teach over 900,000 students in 80 countries?

I knew the La Sallian Brothers had more than one school, but I didn't realize how many there were until L started putting his leftover lunch money in a collection box for some of their other schools. (I'm so proud)

I know L loves CBC, yet that simple act of giving some lunch money shows me just how much he values it. You see, our budget has been very, very tight since we started paying L's tuition. Even with the generous help from my In-Laws, it's been tight. We rarely rent movies or eat out anymore. We eat a lot of chicken and ramen noodles or homemade mashed potatoes. :D
We're not giving anything but stocking stuffers to each other for Christmas. My mom is bringing the Thanksgiving turkey, because it's just not in our budget. None of this makes me sad. In a weird way, it makes me happy. Oh, I don't like bouncing checks -don't get me wrong... But seeing my son accept these financial sacrifices and understand them with maturity, and be willing to give (literally) his last few coins to help educate someone else... (sniff) It moves me.

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