Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Single Needles And The Craft Bonanza
I got a call 2 weeks ago from Amy. A friend of her mother's had passed away, leaving behind a lot of craft items. So much so, that it took 3 separate days to sort it all. The result was 7 boxes of yarn, enough books to press a witch*, 1 box of embroidery floss and hoops, 2 boxes of plastic canvas, 2 boxes of sewing patterns, a box of notions, 6 boxes of fabric, and an assortment of other crafty things. Plus knitting needles and crochet hooks.

Which reminds me. My cats have been stealing my knitting needles again. I'll have to pull out the sofa and search underneath. :D

*Death by pressing involved sandwiching a person between 2 boards and then progressively placing rocks on the top board until the person suffocated. It was a method of torturing and eventually killing "witches".


Roberta S said...

Oh, aren't those kind of surprise boxes so much fun? I really chuckled about pressing a witch. I thought originally upon reading your post that a 'witch' must be a needlepoint that when completed required serious pressing. Never heard about pressing a real witch before, but I think it is a priceless bit that will make my day a chuckler.

She Dances in Dragon said...

*giggle* I'm glad I could bring more laughter to your day, Roberta. :)
Going through those boxes was a lot of fun. Amy's mom said that her friend would have really enjoyed seeing us enjoying all her things.