Tuesday, November 15, 2005

eBay, Baby!
They're (eventually) building new houses across the street, which means there's a mountain of dirt over there right now. The kind of mountain of dirt that you just have to climb... So one day, after a rainstorm, my son wanted to go "play on the hill". It was a bit chilly outside so I told him he needed to wear pants, not shorts.
He came out of his room wearing a pair of sweatpants that might as well have been shorts. (he grew 4 inches in 4 months) I told him there was no way he was walking out of the house in those...things. I went into my room and pulled out my precious 501 jeans. The ones I bought before he was born. The ones I can finally fit into again. And I handed them over saving, "These'll be a bit big, but they're perfect for playing on the hill."
He grudgingly put them on, and I was instantly jealous. Because those mens 501 buttonfly jeans looked good on me, but they looked great on him. (sigh) He went off to play and came back muddy and cheerful. My jeans had survived their first outing on a male body.

Now, of course my jeans went straight into the wash to get the mud off. The second the dryer stopped spinning, my dear son swiped them and put them back on. Um, no. Those would be my Levis. Not his. MINE.

Enter eBay. I just bid on a pair of mens straight legged 501's, for... $2.50.
Yeah, buddy!

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