Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I was mean today.
First I blocked a car from passing me on the right, and then I yelled at my son. It doesn't matter that I was right, it was mean spirited. I feel guilty.

The car was behind me and we were both going over the speed limit in the Mason Road exit lane. When the driver cut over into the lane that was ending in an 8th of a mile to pass me, I straddled both lanes. Because it's rude. Then I noticed his CBC parking tag. So I kept a student from getting to school 10 seconds before me.

Then, when we got to school, I saw that everyone was wearing a tie. L was wearing a short sleeved shirt. And I got mad. Because I had asked him several times this month when Mass day was. So that I could make sure he had a clean shirt and tie. And I was caught unprepared. And I yelled about it.

I was mean today.

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