Thursday, November 03, 2005

Did you know there are deer in West St. Louis County? Yep. I've seen 6 since I've been driving the 22 miles to L's school every day. The first two were on a flatbed trailer (and headless, ew.) But the last four were roadkill. And it pisses me off. To see those beautiful pelts all mangled and made useless, not to mention the waste of meat. Just one deer would provide protein for my family for months!

I suppose I should feel bad for the people who hit the deer. I'm sure their cars were messed up pretty badly and all. But... seeing 120 lbs of meat discarded on the side of the road... Arrrgh! It's an affront, I tell you.

On a side note: I've never gone hunting, but I've eaten wild game. All of it was a gift. I thank the spirits of the animals that fed me. Heh, I remember getting in trouble once when I was a kid for thanking the spirit of the deer that was in the stew I was eating. Apparently you aren't supposed to acknowledge death at the dinner table. :D
I still think it was the right thing to do. I also thanked my uncle for killing the deer so we could eat it. Then I asked him what he did with the bones. That kind of dried up the conversation.

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