Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Commenter Triggers Rant
'Thought & Humor' left me a comment. Wasn't that nice of him. I decided to copy it right up front here, because words this flowery shouldn't be delegated to a mere comment. I added brief definitions for some of his words, from the Merriam webster online dictionary, in parentheses.

"You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical(not typical : irregular, unusual)& quiescent(marked by inactivity or repose : tranquilly at rest)
potential for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your encyclopedic (comprehensive)/omniscient (all-knowing)
Designer/Architect as well
as your revering (to show devoted deferential honor to)
audience. As soon as we acknowledge
this Supreme Designer/Architect,
Who has erected the beauteous (beautiful)
fabric of the universe, our minds
must necessarily be ravished (a : to seize and take away by violence b : to overcome with emotion c:rape )
with wonder at this infinite goodness,
wisdom and power.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining (1 archaic : to make certain, exact, or precise
2 : to find out or learn with certainty)

uninterrupted existence for their quintessence (1 : the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies
2 : the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form)

Best wishes for continued ascendancy (governing or controlling influence : domination) ,
Dr. Howdy
'Thought & Humor' "

So, what he said was... The Flying Spaghetti Monster at the top of your page grabbed my attention. I think your readers see you as weird and inactive. (Um, what?) I think you should give whatever created life, the Universe, and everything at least as much respect as you give to the people who bow and scrape show devoted deferential honor to your writing. As soon as you acknowledge God, He'll rape your mind with the beauty of what He has created... It's a cause and effect thing. Please don't delete my attempt to convert you and all your (12) readers. If you delete this, it might prevent someone from continuing to know that they are perfection. (Would you like a side of fries to go with the guilt I've just handed you?) I hope you continue to govern, influence and dominate your readers.
Dr. Howdy.

Dr. Howdy... You need a dictionary. Thanks for enlightening my day and ravishing my blog with your beauteous words of wonder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That' so funny, I totally read that comment as a devotee of the flying spaghetti monster as having written them. Or a discordian. Same thing, right? LOL