Saturday, March 05, 2005

Geek Groupie
The difference between a geek and a nerd, according to the Hubby-Man, is that geeks have social skills. The Hubby-Man is definitely a geek.
I'm more of a geek wanna-be. My geeky talents include fixing cars, building stuff, engineering stuff out of common household items, and knowing way to much trivial shit. (like the Alaska oil reserve has enough oil to power America for 589 days)
But I'm not a true geek, because while I can fix a car, the Hubby-Man can fix it better in half the time. Same goes for engineering and building. I can beat him in the drafting department. And my brain is full of trivia whereas his is full of computer languages.
So I'm a geek groupie.

We are watching NASA TV right now. There's a high-school robotics competition on. The kids have to get their bots to put caps on pyramids. Truly, only a geek or his groupie would enjoy this kind of thing.
So go watch it!


achromic said...

Well at least your are smart enough for that. It's when you don't have the knowledge or the social skills that you are truely F**ked. You end up pretend and yet never fitting in to any group. Ok yes I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself.......

She Dances in Dragon said...

Check your email for my comment about your comment.