Wednesday, December 29, 2004


This morning, I dreamt of how to widen the entry section of my blog. Since I woke with visions of html dancing in my head; I rushed to the computer and began editing.
And it sucked. (sigh)
Oh, it worked allright -if you don't mind a pea green text area and strange lines running through the blog, and corners appearing out of nowhere. I mind.

Then I got the brilliant idea to view the source code on some of the blogs I like and see if I can learn anything. Which I'm doing now. My first stop was Everyday Lunasea, because I haven't added her to my sidebar yet (lazy me), and I like to be methodical. So It hit her page, noted the new christmas decorations, and noticed something else, too.
She's a redhead! And she's a nominee for the BOB awards! And see, I liked her blog even before I knew these things. :)
Anyway... back to da code

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