Saturday, January 24, 2004

This is why I link to you guys!

Reading my blogroll relieved all my worries today. Yep yep.

Confessions of a Gradeschool Role Model wrote the most eloquent observation of prejudice I've ever read. It resonated with my experience of prejudice (being a redhead), showed me how much deeper prejudice can be, and had me view my neighbor in a totally new light. I'd thought of her as either painfully shy, or obnoxiously snobby. It never occurred to me that she might be frightened of being pre-judged because she was born in a different country from the one she currently lives in.

One Good Thing received an unusual birthday gift, which reminded me of the unusual gifts Hubby and I have gotten from a certain set of in-laws. Not the in-laws I blog about occasionally, the other in-laws. They have sent us: dirty coin cups from Las Vegas, everything that didn't sell at their yard sale (why did they have 3 avocado colored blenders?), freebies from every place they stopped at while touring the country, and... and... Chasmyn, you know what's coming...
A used George Foreman grill with old food encrusted on it. That's right. There I was thinking they had sent us a nice gift for once. I didn't care that the box was clearly used, therefore the grill was used. I've never minded getting a used gift. But they sent it to us with evidence that is was used! I wasted a lot of time wondering if it was some kind of subtle insult, before I realized I didn't care.

Numenous Thoughts knocked me to the floor with her post "Freedoms", and "costs" is pretty good too.

Abbreviated Abstractions also discusses discrimination. She takes a different tack, and hers is just as good.

Kensho Godchaser discusses "paganism" and turns a negative into a sparkling positive. (Oh yeah)

Thank you all for being. What better way to forget your worries, than to read a lot of thought provoking entries!

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