Friday, January 09, 2004

Another Bush Rant but you should read it anyway

A few days ago, Bush came to St. Louis. Protesters were there, showing their objections to the change in overtime thing. Bush (supposedly) never knew they were there. Last year, Bush came to St. Louis. Protesters were there, showing their objections. Bush never saw them. I know he never saw them because they were kept on a side street a quarter of a mile away. This is happening all over the country!

It bothers me. It bothers me in a way I'm finding hard to express. Every other President I can think of has driven through crowds of protesters. Why can't this one? Is he afraid that someone will attempt to harm him? I doubt it. Is he unwilling to see the protesters? More likely. Will he one day declare, "Let them eat cake", being totally unaware of the plights and upsets of the citizens?

My in-laws go to Washington, and have dinner with every President. They were upset when Clinton was in office, because the "dinner" consisted of eating separately from the President, and watching He and Hillary walk past. They felt horribly snubbed because they were penned behind a velvet rope, and didn't even get to shake his hand.
(I agree, btw. It was horribly rude.)
Bush on the other hand, shook hands with everyone, let them take photos and even signed his autograph. My in-laws love him. They sent my son a framed photo montage, including a White House napkin signed by GW Bush himself.
I don't know what to do with the darned thing. L has taken it to school twice, which has only served to alienate him farther from his classmates. I think they resent him knowing someone who is special enough to go to the White House. (sigh)
I wish they'd sent the autograph of a President I like. We keep it in the closet "so the sunlight doesn't fade it". Isn't that awful?

My point is: GW will meet with other politically connected people, but he doesn't want to see anyone who doesn't care for him. I think he can't handle being disliked. I also think that if you can't handle being disliked, you shouldn't try to be President of the United States. When you're President, some people will actively hate you. Some will love you, and most will change their opinions on a daily basis. It comes with the job.

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