Thursday, January 08, 2004


I love creative people. My hubby is creative, my friends are creative, even my family can be seen coming up with creative ways of doing things. When I was a child, my creativity marked me as "weird". My classmates were not interested in building a better mousetrap, and they weren't interested in seeing mine, either.
I don't know what they're doing now. I'll bet their lives are pretty mundane; whereas mine stays fresh and interesting.
Take today, for example. L got a rock tumbler for Christmas. Tonight we tossed some rough emeralds in it, along with rough grit and water, and set it to tumbling. It's really loud. L wasn't too keen on listening to it tumble away for the next several days. Heh, neither was I. :) Hubby put it under the bar in the basement. That muffled the sound some, but not enough. So he put it in the downstairs refrigerator. That deadens the sound quite nicely.

See? Only creative people would think of something like that.

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