Friday, January 16, 2004


I wrote the last post, and lost my internet connection right as I was publishing. I thought I'd lost it. I was both happy and unhappy about that. It is easier for me to write about my old neighborhood, than it is for me to write about my gifts. I don't believe I'm unique, or uber powerful, or put here to change the world. I really think I'm no different than anyone else. And then I get confronted with "evidence" that I am unique. I don't know how to be with that at all.

So every once in a while, I try to work it out on my blog. I try to express that I really like my life, and there are some things I'm really good at, and I admire the many, many, many things other people are good at. I see someone doing exactly what I can do, and I marvel at them. I love the interconnectedness of everything. I don't want to be unique. Unique people are lonely people.

Saying, "Look what I can do" feels like bragging. When I get uncomfortable about my talents, I make myself write it for the internet world to see. Sorry for using y'all that way. :)

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