Friday, January 30, 2004

Science and Friction

So it's cold and icy here in St. Louis. The main streets are perfectly clear, but the side streets... oh my. Dropping L off at school involves a side street. For the past few days, I've kept the truck in 4 wheel drive. (thank the Gods for 4wd) But today, I assumed I wouldn't be needing it. I haven't needed it except to get down the alley to my parking spot. So I'm driving down the side street, having already dropped off my son, and I see before me a big patch of ice. The ice wasn't there yesterday. I thought, "Where did that ice come from." Then I thought, "It's only on one side of the road. I'm not in 4wd. Is the drive wheel on the left or right side?" Just about then, I started to slide.
Have you ever noticed how time slows down when stuff like this happens? I always seem to have plenty of time to think.

The truck slid gracefully down the street, angled slightly toward the parked cars on the left hand side. I noted the grey station wagon that my bumper was going to make a nice dent in. Mathematically, I was heading straight for it. Foot on the brake, knowing I had no control, I wondered why the anti-lock brakes weren't pumping. I sent out the thought, "Goddess, please let me miss the station wagon." And the truck shifted, ever so slightly. I cruised past the station wagon, went right through the stop sign, and gained traction in the middle of the street. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the SUV behind me just beginning the dance I'd just gone through. So I put the truck in gear (I drive a stick shift, and I had put it in neutral right before the slide), popped into 4wd, drove across the street, and up onto the sidewalk.
Again, thank the Gods for 4wd.

The SUV also missed the station wagon. It fishtailed a little, corrected, and slid out into the street. It was neat to see the experience play out on the face of the mom behind me. Startled, determined, relieved (when I drove onto the sidewalk), and finally aggravated. I understood completely. The aggravation was from the bitch in the red car who was gesticulating wildly at the two of us. How dare we obstruct her passage by sliding in front of her!

People are funny.

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