Thursday, April 17, 2003

When did free speech become a potential act of treason? Visit The Daily Traitor to find out. I re-emphasize that I will not put my energy behind anything that supports the kind of torture the people of Iraq have been experiencing for generations...AND we must speak out against the acts of repression in our own country, or else we will surely lose the right.
It is our patriotic obligation to take responsibility for the actions of our country. Our patriotism fails when we roll over and accept the unacceptable. If you have an opinion, voice it! Whatever it may be.

I am in favor of lifting up your fellow human being. I am against violence.
I am in favor of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and selfish acts of kindness. I am against persecution.
I am in favor of purchasing another county's goods. I am against the theft of any person's goods.
I am in favor of your right to stand outside an abortion clinic with a sign. I am against righteousness.

Violence, persecution, righteousness, theft...these things weigh us down. Right action lifts us up.

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