Thursday, July 14, 2005

What Do I Need A Calendar For?
I ask you. Really.

Because I have a calendar hanging on the wall, and another tacked to the refrigerator; and I never look at either of them. If I had, I might have noticed that

today is my 15th wedding anniversary.

The hubby-man and I both felt pretty sheepish when my cousin called to wish us a happy anniversary. In unison, we said, "Is that today?"
(shaking head)

I'm truly a goofball.


Buckaroo Mu said...

We're both goofballs, my darling. And even so, I love you as much today as I did 15 (or even 18!) years ago. Smootches!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! You usually have a party to go with it, too! And I'd have sent you a card! *blushes*

Happy happy anniversary and here's to 30 more!

Love to you both! You both deserve all the happiness in the world, you are a wonderful couple.