Monday, July 25, 2005

I Fell Down
I hate it when that happens. I hate it even more when I lose my footing because of a cat toy. What I hate most of all is that after the (undoubtedly humorous) "trying to regain my balance" dance, I crash to the concrete floor of the basement, taking 90% of my weight on my left kneecap.

I *love*, however; that I didn't break anything.

I probably looked pretty ridiculous scootching up the stairs on my butt, lifting with my good leg, and flailing around a handful of printer paper for balance. The printed sheets being the reason I was in the basement in the first place.

I don't bruise easily, and I slathered comfrey oil on all the OWies; but If I develop anything spectacular, I promise I'll photograph it for your enjoyment. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ow, owie OW!!! I so hope you're okay, but cement floor? Oh my goodness. Owie!