Sunday, July 10, 2005

About Knitting
K, P, K2Tog, YO, M1, Inc... these abbreviations mean something to me now. I'm still intimidated by SSK and Slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over. I refuse to think about "knit in front and back of stitch"
But with the 6 techniques I have down pat, I can knit a helluva lot of stuff. Once I better understand knit combinations, I'm going to tackle the biggest project ever. Bigger than the shetland shawl I'm thinking about.
I want to knit a scarf using the melanocortin 1 gene as a pattern.

Don't look at me that way! It was the hubby-man's idea! But really, how cool would it be to have the red-hair gene knit in a scarf? And thanks to the internet, all I have to do is find it and convert it to stitches. Hee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's an AWESOME idea. I can't wait to see photos!