Thursday, November 18, 2004

Rather Righteous Redhead Speaks

Patrick commented on my entry One Question: "You may as well ask how one can be pro-choice (or pro-death, to be uncharitable) and still be anti-war. While I'm deeply conservative, I sometimes think I'm the only American who doesn't give a hooter's damn whether or not abortion is legal, because I think it's a non-issue. That said, an infant child is harmless. An Iraqi with a satchel bomb or an Arab on a hijacked airplane is a bit of a different story.

It's not so easy to cubbyhole people into one-size-fits-all boxes, Sharon. You're brighter than that by now, as we all know, so I wonder why you made this rather self-righteous post. Smiles."

I take no offense, and I thought a little background might clarify my question. My son is not fond of news radio, but the second he's out of the truck, I turn it on. In the mornings, I listen to NPR. In the afternoons, I listen to 97.1 FM Talk -a Fox news product. Why do I listen to that trash? You may wonder. I like to know my enemies. I like to know what kind of hatred and lies are being spread. And, that day 97.1 was talking about Falluja. People were calling in from all over to rant about how wrong it is to want to hold a soldier accountable for killing a wounded, unarmed, old man. These people were angry. Not because of the act, and not because it was caught on tape; but because the "Evil Left Media" wasn't supporting our troops.

I beg your pardon? And should we support our citizens when they break the law? I didn't hear anyone on Fox supporting Scott Peterson. I don't hear them supporting the drive-by shooters. Oh no. Those people are called terrorists. Specifically, they're called narcoterrorists.

I'm ranting, I know. Anyway, a caller ranted about the killer marine and then went on to espouse his pro-life views. The radio host actually encouraged the rant. So more people called in and went down the pro-life road. Almost all of them agreed that it was wrong to prosecute the marine, we need to support this war; and that it's wrong to have an abortion. Yeah, don't kill those American fetuses... but it's great that we're killing Iraqis.

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