Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Post Vote Roundup

Yes, I voted for Kerry. I also voted no on every amendment except the one to raise the fine for littering. Having covered the important stuff, here's how my voting experience went:

I left the house and spotted my next door neighbor. I called out, "Didja vote yet?" And she replied, "I was just going to do that now!" So I hitched a ride with her. Woo, less walking for me!
There were no lines out in front, and only one person handing out leaflets. He had the standard green "sample ballot" that tells you to vote Democratic, and a yellow NO on ABCD. My neighbor took a set, but I said I didn't need one. We went inside and stood in a short line to be recognised and get our ballots. Then we stood in a much longer line to use one of the 7 voting "booths". I won't ever think of them as booths. They're really podiums with a privacy wall. The wait wasn't bad at all. I chatted with my neighbor for a bit, and then I got out my tub of migrane miracle and smeared some on my forehead. Crowds usually give me a headache.
The lady behind me asked me if I was using an herbal thing, and the rest of the wait in line was spent discussing herbs. So, although I stood there for 20 minutes; the time just flew by.
The actual voting was a breeze. I slid my ballot in and flipped to the second page. (since I wasn't voting a straight ticket) Right there at the top were my choices for President. John Kerry, George Bush, some libertarian, and a fourth person. I lifted the pokey thing and was filled with an irrational fear that I would punch Kerry, but the ballot would show Bush. I struggled against the compulsion to pull the book out and make sure the ballot number matched the book. It was stupid. I knew it was stupid. And the fear was there nonetheless. I've never had that happen before.

I mastered my irrationality and punched Kerry. The rest was easy. Yes, yes, no, no, no, this judge stays, that judge goes, etc. I checked my ballot for hanging chads, and the card was clean. So I folded it over and dropped it in the box.

I was home by 10:00.

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