Monday, November 29, 2004

Lost Post

I blogged this wonderfully long winded post about grandma, and I lost it to line noidz, dammit.
So here's the abbreviated version:
Grandma was doing pooly on Thanksgiving. Her circulation was so bad that her fingertips were purple, almost black. She was sitting up because when she laid down. her blood oxygen would crash. She was mostly behaving like a person in shock.
Yesterday, she was much better. Her fingers were flesh colored again and she was taking part in the conversations we had. Her doctor is keeping her in the hospital for another week. He told us that when she came in, she was "on her death bed". Now it looks like she'll pull through. It's still very serious, because she has an e coli infection in her blood. The antibiotics are working, but they won'te release her until they're sure there will be no recurrance. So...

Thank you for all your paryers, energies, thoughts and comments. Thank you -whoever you are- for lighting a candle for my grandma. Your thoughtfulness was noticed. Thank you all for caring. I believe it made all the difference.

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