Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm thankful for: Life, my family, my readers, snow, my health, comfrey and my friends.
I'm especially thankful for Persephone and Chasmyn, my two best friends -without whom I would be a quivering heap of cranberry jelly right now.

Last year
was better.
Last year
I woke before the alarm went off, and had fun turkey related adventures.
Last year
my house was spotless.

This year, Persephone (goddess bless her!) took my son overnight so I could take half a valium. Persephone is truly an awesome person. She knew I couldn't cope, and she knew I wouldn't ask; so she offered to keep L for the night. She's bringing him back when her family leaves for thanksgiving dinner. I don't even have to pick him up! She's a goddess of giving, I tell you.

So, it's 10:00 and the turkey is not in the oven. The house is not spotless. I still have to pick up the living room, sweep the floors, clean the counters, and mop the kitchen.
I overslept, and jumped when the phone rang. Grandma is having trouble breathing, and the doctors put her on a diuretic. They're hoping that will work. I'm not sure what the whole deal is with that. Grandma had parts of both lungs removed, oh, ages ago. She had recurring pneumonia, and it just ate her lungs up. So they had to take out the bad tissue. I guess what's left of her lungs is retaining fluid? Now that my sister's gone to Conneticut for thanksgiving, we don't have anyone to tackle the doctors and get specific information. I think it's unlikely that Grandma will pull through, and I love everyone at St. Mary's hospital for doing their best anyway.

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